Whitepaper: How to Acclimate Your Tissue-Cultured Cannabis Clones

Acclimate Your Tissue-Cultured Cannabis Clones

Read our whitepaper on successfully acclimating your TrueClones™

Learning how to acclimate your tissue-cultured cannabis clones can be a complex task, fraught with potential pitfalls. However, with the right knowledge and approach, you can ensure a smooth transition and set the stage for a thriving crop. This post will guide you through the crucial first week of acclimation, highlighting the optimal conditions for your plantlets to not just survive but thrive. For a full, in-depth look at how to be successful with your plants, read the whitepaper here.

Understanding the Challenges

Cultivating disease-free cannabis with unique genetics is becoming increasingly vital for maintaining profitability in the competitive legal market. Tissue culture technology offers a beacon of hope, producing plantlets that outperform traditional cuttings through enhanced vigor and a pest-free start. Yet, the shift from lab to farm is not without its challenges. The acclimation phase is critical, with the potential for significant plant loss if not managed correctly.

The HLLL Formula for Success

The key to acclimation success lies in the HLLL formula: High Humidity, Low Light, Low Fertilizer, and Low Vapor Pressure Deficit. By maintaining these conditions, you can dramatically reduce the stress on your plantlets and ensure a smoother transition. Let’s break down each component:

High Humidity

Aim for above 70% humidity, ideally between 75-82%. This high humidity level is crucial in the early days to prevent plant stress and loss. If your nursery space doesn’t naturally support these levels, consider using misting systems or clone domes to achieve the desired humidity.

Low Light Intensity

Keep light below 300 PPFD, with an optimal range of 170-250 micromoles. Tissue culture clones are not yet ready for the intensity of natural sunlight or high-power indoor lighting. Utilize shade cloths or peripheral lighting systems to provide a gentle light source.

Low Fertilizer Strength

Fertilizer EC should be below 2.0, ideally in the range of 1.2-1.9 EC. Newly transferred plantlets have delicate roots that can easily be shocked by too strong fertigation solutions. Adjust the fertigation strength based on the substrate you’re using, and be cautious not to over-fertilize.

Low Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD)

Maintain a VPD below 0.9 kPa, with an ideal range of 0.60-0.89 kPa. Proper VPD levels are essential for encouraging healthy transpiration and photosynthesis rates without putting additional stress on the plantlets.

The Acclimatization Process

The first 7 days are the most critical to acclimate your tissue-cultured cannabis clones. This period requires careful monitoring and adjustment of environmental parameters to ensure a successful transition. Start with the conditions outlined above and gradually introduce the plantlets to more robust growth conditions.


Want to learn more and get started with your first order of TrueClones™? Contact us.